Yesterday I swatched until my eyes hurt. However, this probably says more about the amount of sleep I got this past weekend than it does about anything else. I was swatching for Scheherazade using
Lane Borgosesia Cashwool in wine heather. Very, very pertty, and also soft.
Also, slippery. The biggest thing I learned from my swatching experience? NEED WOOD NEEDLES. I'm ordering them today and I hope they'll make it to before my vacation. Casting on in particular was really, really difficult with my standard KP Options. WAY too slick. But, I don't have any Harmony woods in size 4. I'm ordering them today and I hope they'll make it to me before my vacation. No reason why they shouldn't, except that I need them. :oP
I had kind of a hard time at first, but I did get used to it after a while and towards the end of the chart (Pink Lemon recommends that you swatch one of the paisley motifs) I was actually motoring along pretty well...until I, in a fit of idiocy, didn't purl back across the wrong side row! I had to unpick several rows. Thank God it was just a swatch. I would have been really mad at myself if I'd done that across the whole thing.
I want to cast on before we actually leave, partly because I've never done a provisional cast on before and the car does not seem like the best place to attempt it for the first time. Just in case. I don't want to be furious and swearing two minutes into our trip.
Anyway, armed with the experience of swatching, I took all the charts, got out a marker and a ruler, and put a colored line over the grid lines every 5 stitches. Hopefully this will avoid some of the eye-crossing I was experiencing and make the counting a little less tedius. I find on my cross stitch patterns that the bold lines every 10 stitches helps me out a lot, so I am employing that principle here with this pattern and hoping it is just as effective.
Along with my Harmony needles I am ordering some
stikki clips. I will have to make sure I am well organized in my seat with all my stuff put together where it won't flop around.
Am I crazy for taking on a laceweight project for this trip? Maybe. I'm going to take some sock yarn...just in case.