Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Unfun Fur

I finished the scarf last night! It looks mostly okay...the wierdest-looking part is at the beginning, which is quite a bit wider than the rest of the scarf. I started to fringe it but I didn't really like the look of this yarn when cut in strips, so I stopped and now I am undecided over whether I should put a fringe on it or not. I don't want it to look scraggly. :o/

But, yay, I was pleased with myself, and in that flush of finished-project excitement, I got out the eyelash yarn I had.

That, um, kinda proved a lot harder to work with. ;oP I want to make this; I have copper fun fur and grey (I think it must be Flannel on that page) chenille that I think will look just beautiful together. But...clearly I need more practice with the fur. :oP